For more up-to-date information, reports, and stories from Dangel-Metall, please visit us on Facebook and Instagram at @dangelmetallgmbH and @handwerk.schwestern. "Feel free to follow us...!" 😊
Oktober 2024
Meisterfeier 2024 – Franziska Dangel erhält Ihren Meisterbrief
Am 18.10.2024 fand der Festakt der Meisterfeier im ICS der Messe Stuttgart statt, alles unter dem Motto „Level up! Mission Meister:in“
Wir freuen uns mit unserer Franzi, die nun Ihren Meisterbrief in Händen halten darf.
Ihre „Begeisterung fürs Blech“ entnehmen Sie gerne auch dem beigefügten Zeitungsbericht, welcher in den Stuttgarter Nachrichten und der Esslinger Zeitung
erschienen ist.
October 2024
Laura Wahl is chamber winner and state runner-up in plumbing!
Congratulations to Laura on becoming the first-place chamber winner and second-place state winner—we are incredibly proud of you and honored to have you as part of our Dangel Metall Family! 😊
As a training company, this achievement is yet another strong testament to the fact that women play a crucial and successful role in the skilled trades.
Laura was awarded the Rotary Sponsorship Prize along with a €1,000 check in recognition of her outstanding performance. The award ceremony took place on October 25, 2024, at the Stuttgart Chamber of Crafts, where Chamber President Peter Friedrich and Vice President Alexander Kotz presented the award.
June 2024
Congratulations to our three apprentices on passing their journeyman examination in plumbing!
We are delighted to congratulate our three apprentices, Alessio, Elena, and Laura, on successfully passing their journeyman examination in the plumbing trade! 🎉
They passed their exams with flying colors, excelling in both the theoretical and the demanding two-day practical examination. The task was to cover a roof model with sheet metal seams. This included integrating a wedge behind the chimney, ensuring that the seams from the chimney ran diagonally, and incorporating a pipe into one of the seams—all executed with the highest level of craftsmanship. It was truly inspiring to see how they practiced together as a team and supported each other throughout the process.
We are especially pleased that all three will continue to be part of the Dangel Metall Family! We look forward to accompanying them on their professional journey and are excited that their dedication and passion for the craft will continue to enrich both the trade and our team. With great anticipation, we look ahead to the exciting projects that await us and wish Alessio, Elena, and Laura much success in their future careers!
May/June 2024
Investment in a New Additional Digital Long Folding Machine
On May 29, 2024, we replaced our old long folding machine with a new bending and cutting machine. In June, our employees received the necessary training. Looking to the future, we continuously reflect on our daily work and operational processes. With the addition of two digital long folding machines, we aim to make our employees' work easier and produce high-quality, promptly bent metals for our customers. We can now bend and cut sheets up to 6.40 meters effectively and efficiently.
A short video sequence can be found on Instagram @handwerk.schwestern.
May 2024
Current Project – Hospice Böblingen
At one of our construction sites in Böblingen, we are currently completing the cladding of 24 dormers across two buildings. The flat roof dormers are being fully encased with standing seam metal. We are also installing covers on the small flat roofs and connecting the drainage system.
April 2024
Master Plumber Franziska Dangel
We congratulate our daughter Franziska on successfully passing her master craftsman examination in plumbing. We are excited to join her and our team in steering the trade into the future, continually striving to provide our customers with the best possible solutions.
March 2024
Visit to the Dach + Holz Trade Fair in Stuttgart
After a long hiatus, the Dach + Holz trade fair took place in Stuttgart – practically a home game for us. Naturally, we were present at the fairground, engaging in several informative and pleasant conversations. It is always a pleasure to see some familiar faces from the industry and exchange ideas. Our daughters, the @handwerk.schwestern, supported the company RAS Reinhardt Maschinenbau GmbH from Sindelfingen at their booth for a day. Some colleagues from our company also stopped by.
February 2024
In Memory of Ingeborg Dangel
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Ingeborg Dangel, who passed away on February 3, 2024, at the age of 80. She will remain in our hearts, and we will continue to run the company in a way that honors her memory, knowing she is watching over us from above.
October 2023
Initiative „Motivation Craftsmanship“
Hollywood star and bodybuilding legend Ralf Möller visits Dangel-Metall and the @handwerk.schwestern.
We are very excited about Ralf Möller's support in motivating and inspiring young people for the craftsmanship.
As part of the „Motivation Craftsmanship“ initiarive, Ralf Möller played the role of an "intern," dedicating a day to shadow the @handwerk.schwestern
, and gaining insights into the workflows within the plumbing profession. All participants were enthusiastic about the successful exchange of experiences.
Thank you for the visit and constructive collaboration. We look forward to seeing you again 😊
More information at:
Teckbote - Lenninger Handwerkschwestern bekommen Unterstützung von „Gladiator“ Ralf Moeller (Information in German)
Handwerkskammer Region Stuttgart - Hollywood-Star Ralf Moeller engagiert sich fürs Handwerk (Information in German)"
Regio TV - Ralf Moeller als Praktikant bei den Handwerkschwestern (Information in German)
September 2023
Old Villa - Residential and Commercial Building in Schorndorf
Plumbing and facade works. Material: Copper oxide. Shingle facade with various axis dimensions. Connection of old building to new building with window surrounds and parapet completion.
July 2023
Bietigheimer Wohnbau Quality Award 2023
We are delighted to be honored with the Bietigheimer Wohnbau Quality Award for the 4th time, placing us among the top 5 out of 150 craft businesses. Since the year 2000, Bietigheimer Wohnbau has been given out this award for exemplary and outstanding work in the areas of customer orientation, quality, adherence to deadlines, and reliability. We like to say thank you for this special recognition and the invitation to a wonderful lunch with delicious food and great conversations. Above all, this gratitude goes out to our employees and colleagues, without their daily dedication all of this would not be possible.
We look forward to continuing our good collaboration with Bietigheimer Wohnbau.
July 2023
Career Day at Oberlenningen Realschule
On July 19, 2022, our employees Elena Dangel and Stefan Strauch attended the Career Day at Oberlenningen Realschule. Students had the opportunity to choose four out of 40 companies that interested them and engage with them more closely. Elena and Stefan introduced 15 students to the plumbing trade. They began with a small PowerPoint presentation to explain the theoretical aspects, then demonstrated and explained a selection of metal workpieces. Finally, each student was able to choose a sheet of aluminum or titanium zinc in various colors and use it to cut, bend, drill, and rivet a desk organizer.
We are fascinated by this special initiative by Oberlenningen Realschule – it's the right way to guide young people towards skilled trades and connect companies with potential applicants. Many thanks for the excellent organization – we are already looking forward to next year when we will participate again.
April 2023
Our daughters – the @handwerk.schwestern at Sat 1 Frühstücksfernsehen.
On April 24, 2023, our two daughters - @handwerk.schwestern - were invited to Sat 1 Frühstücksfernsehen in Berlin to engage in a dialogue about craftsmanship, their profession as plumbers, and their intention to rekindle society's passion for craftsmanship. Alongside the hosts Alina Merkau and Benjamin Bieneck, they discussed their chosen career paths in craftmanship, the underlying causes of the skilled labor shortage, and the possible ways to address it. Furthermore, they shed light on their Instagram account, @handwerk.schwestern, through which they aim to inspire society with pictures and videos of their everyday work in our plumbing business, especially to normalize women in the craft industry. The Teckbote (Text in German) and the Chamber of Crafts also reported on the appearance of the Handwerkschwestern on the morning show. We are proud of our daughters, Elena and Franzi, apprentice plumber and master's student, as well as ambassadors for craftmanship.
More Info:
SAT.1-Frühstücksfernsehen: Für mehr Frauen im Handwerk (Info-Movie in German)
October 2022
Congratulations to Elena Dangel on her Bachelor of Arts in business administration with a focus on handcraft
We congratulate our daughter Elena Dangel on her Bachelor's degree in business administration with a focus on handcraft. As with many other students, it was not easy to stay focused, especially during the last two years, due to the lack of face-to-face classes, numerous additional homework assignments and the general uncertainty. On Sept. 30, 2022, Elena officially received her certificate and it was time to celebrate. Congratulations! Now she can fully concentrate on her plumber training. Even during her studies, Elena was always busy helping out on construction sites or in the workshop. Good luck in the future.
October 2022
New sheet metal roofs for the state water supply system
In late summer/fall we started our project for the state water supply right in our hometown. In 2 sections the sheet metal roofs of the pumping stations were renewed. Here we went deeper and deeper into the forest, but with a beautiful view on the whole town of Oberlenningen – something you don’t see every day. The transport of the 12-meter-long sheet metal panels on partially very steep forest paths was complex and exciting. Firstly, the old sheet metal panels were dismantled. Afterwards the wooden formwork was rebuilt and then the new Uginox sheets were installed using the standing seam system. At the end, securants were installed on the roofs.
September 2022
Welcoming high school graduate Laura Wahl to the start of her training as a plumber
We are glad to officially welcome Laura as a new apprentice plumber in our company. Even before she graduated from high school in the summer of 2022, she did an internship with us and has been enthusiastically working with us during her vacations. She sets an example that it is possible to start a craft apprenticeship even with a high school diploma. Excellent and good luck!
April 2022
Dangel metal panel facade in wood optics
We had the order for the cladding of parts of the facade of a nursing home in Pforzheim with our Dangel-Metall panel system. It was special that the panels should be made of sheet metal in wood optics. Since individual sheets were very long, three scaffolding levels were needed in some cases. Additionally, we attached downpipes and installed the parapet cover.
Franziska and Elena Dangel had the honor of working in front of this backdrop, together with the workwear company Würth Modyf, on a shoot for the master story of their new catalog. Würth Modyf accompanied the two for one day on the construction site and one day at our headquarter in Oberlenningen.
October 2021
Impressions: A festive evening for the winners (Stuttgart Chamber of Crafts)
On 8 October 2021 - organised by the Stuttgart Chamber of Crafts - the 60 best of exame craftsmen and women in the region were honoured. We were very happy that Elena and Franziska Dangel were allowed to be part of the event as speakers. In a 15-minute presentation, they introduced their path into the crafts sector and used various pictures from their everyday work to explain plumbing. In line with the theme of the evening "#getinspired - be fresh and digital", the two also presented their Instagram channel @handwerk.schwestern and other interesting profiles from the crafts sector in dialogue with presenter Martin Hoffmann. It is important to Franzi and Elena to highlight that not only men, but also women can do well in the crafts sector.
Click here for impressions of the evening: Link to Handwerkskammer Stuttgart
May 2021
Obituary on the death of company founder Gottlieb Dangel
"The Albhorn" of the coppersmith has fallen silent
Published in the regional press "Der Teckbote" on 05/07/21 (in German)
Obituary in the trade press „Baumetall“ (in German)
February 2021
“Women within the trade sector“ – an initiative of the Stuttgart Chamber of Crafts
We are happy to support the “women within the trade sector“ initiative of the Stuttgart Chamber of Crafts.
Also, we are glad to have female plumbers on our team, especially when they want to start their apprenticeships.
A positive example is our Franzi, who has just completed her last exams to call herself a qualified plumber.
In the attached campaign videos, Franziska, together with her sister Elena as @handwerk.schwestern, reports on the apprenticeship as a plumber.
Women within the trade sector trailer external Link (Youtube)
Women within the trade sector teaser apprenticeship plumber Video (16MB)
Women within the trade sector video apprenticeship plumber external Link (Youtube)
„Deutsche Handwerkszeitung“, published 20/02/2021 „Frauenpower im Handwerk“
December 2020
The ‘Golden Stag' award
Dangel-Metall also takes social responsibility during the corona pandemic.
Therefore, it receives the ‘Golden Stag' (externer Link) from Agentur.ID.
October 2020
"A bit creative"… and certainly talented
Dangel-Metall's third generation is female.
Both daughters count on a dual study program in business administration connected with an apprenticeship in plumbing.
The technical journal on plumbing techniques "Baumetall" interviewed both of them regarding their experiences.
The entire interview (German) can be read here: Published in "Baumetall" - October 2020 - edition 6 - 2020 (external link)
The translation can be read here.
September 2020
Women within the trade sector
On the 19th of September 2020, the "Tag Des Handwerks" took place.
In this context, apprentices with extraordinary carrier paths were introduced.
It is exceptional that women take on the challenge to become a plumber or simply work within the plumbing sector.
Therefore, Hannah Waltersberger (Stuttgarter Zeitung) interviewed Franziska and Elena Dangel on this topic.
„Die Handwerkschwestern“ promotes that more women choose a carrier within the trade sector.
"Stuttgarter Zeitung" and "Stuttgarter-Nachrichten", published on September 19, 2020 - Text also in English (PDF approx. 400 KB)
March 2020
Dangel-Metall apprentice achieved summa cum lauda in his subject-related practical training
We congratulate our apprentices Arlind Osaj and Felix Munz on their succeeded apprenticeship exams. In particular, we are very proud that Arlind Osaj got honoured as 'Best Plumber' for his results during his exams.
Today, the award ceremony took place at Dangel-Metall and Jürgen Pflanz, chairman of the associaton of plumber at the Robert-Bosch-Schule Ulm e.V., took the chance to deliver the congratulations and certificates, personally.
November 2019
Anniversary celebration - 50 years Dangel-Metall.
In a happy round, we celebrated together with our employees and business partners. With delicious food and table magic, there were many things to laugh and marvel.
"It was a great party with a Lot of nice people."
November 2019
Visit by Thomas Hoefling, Managing Director of the Stuttgart Chamber of Crafts, with a delegation at Dangel-Metall in Oberlenningen.
As part of the Baden-Württemberg project "Future Initiative Craft 2025" the future direction and strategies in craft where discussed. Attending the meeting were also the deputies Karl Zimmermann - MdL, CDU parliamentary group,
Lenningens Mayor Michael Schlecht and Jens Schmitt- Managing Director of Kreishandwerkerschaft Esslingen-Nürtingen.
Also present were Karl Boßler - district craftsman of the Kreishandwerkerschaft Esslingen-Nürtingen, dr. Reinhard Stumpe - Transformation Officer Industrial Production, Stuttgart Economic Development
as well as Mrs. Petra Engstler-Karrasch - Managing Director Corporate Service of the Stuttgart Chamber of Crafts.
We were very happy that our company was selected for this strategic discussion by the Chamber of Crafts Stuttgart, because it clearly shows their appreciation for our company.
"Deutsche Handwerkszeitung", published December 6th, 2019 (PDF ca. 2,0 MB)
September 2019
Dangel-Metall News 2019
Dangel-Metall News 2019 (PDF 7 MB)
Mai 2019
50 Years Dangel-Metall GmbH – experience creates trust
We thank you for the years of loyalty and trusting cooperation. Also in the future, we want to be a reliable partner, provide service and find solutions for your requests and wishes together with you.
January 2019
Dangel-Metall becomes dual partner of the DHBW Stuttgart in the degree program business administration
Dangel-Metall is a dual partner of DHBW Stuttgart.
We are admitted as an official training center for the dual study at the DHBW Stuttgart. We look forward to a good cooperation in degree program business administration.
July 2018
Awarding of „Trowel of Quality“
Prize-giving of „Trowel of Quality 2018“ from Bietigheimer Wohnbau GmbH to Dangel-Metall GmbH Lenningen. An award for outstanding performance in categories customer orientation, quality, on-time delivery and services.
We are very pleased to receive this award.
April 2018
Radio Wuerth visiting Dangel-Metall
Please click this link to listen to the interview
October 2017
Dangel-Metall News 2017
Dangel-Metall News 2017 (PDF 1.6 MB)
March 2017
Dangel-Metal recieves from Federal Employment Office a certificate for outstanding apprenticeship
The Federal Employment Office honours Dange-Metall GmbH for outstanding commitment to apprenticeship and awards the official certificate for promotion of young talents 2016/2017.
Published in regional press "Der Teckbote" 05.04.2017 (PDF ca. 1,2 MB)
September 2016
Dangel-Metall News 2016
Dangel-Metall News 2016 (PDF 470 KB)
June / August 2016
Dangel albhorns sound in the Lenningen Valley
Published in Stuttgarter Zeitung on 05. August 2016 (PDF ca. 300 KB)
Published in regional press "Der Teckbote" on 16 June 2016 (PDF ca. 300 KB)
April 2016
Awarding of the apprenticeship pyramid of crafts 2016 to Dangel-Metall
Published in regional press "Der Teckbote" on 23. April 2016 (PDF ca. 1 MB)
March 2016
Awarded with the apprenticeship pyramid
Dangel-Metall awarded with the apprenticeship pyramid of the Chamber of Crafts region Stuttgart.
Published in regional press "Der Teckbote" on 8. March 2016 (PDF ca. 2,32 MB)
Further references:
"Deutsche Handwerkszeitung", published 11.03.2016 (PDF ca. 0,22 MB)
Letter from member of the Bundestag Michael Hennrich (PDF ca. 0,18 MB)
"Stuttgarter Nachrichten", published 09.03.2016 (PDF ca. 2,44 MB)
January 2016
Heilix Blechle – Article in Baumetall 01/2016
Published in trade journal "Baumetall" in January 2016 (PDF 11,4 MB)
October 2015
Dangel-Metall News 2015
Dangel-Metall News 2015 (PDF 1,84 MB)
September 2015
Renovation of a turret of the Schopfloch town hall
The turret of the town hall was renovated during the summer, and now shines in new splendour. The wooden facade and the roof cladding were renewed, and the spire with its weather vane was renovated and completed. The municipality particularly would like to thank the involved companies Dangel Metall GmbH, painter company Bächle, and scaffolders Mayer & Schmid Gerüstbau, but also the gentlemen of Rat & Tat for their active support and competent advice.
Published in regional press "Mitteilungsblatt Lenningen" on 25. September 2015 (PDF ca. 1,95 MB)
July 2015
Presentation of awards by Bietigheimer Wohnbau housing
The „Trowel of Quality“, the award of the Bietigheimer Wohnbau GmbH, has already become a tradition the company honours craft enterprises that have made special achievements in structures. In 2015, there were again five selected craft enterprises. They distinguish themselves by exemplary work in the areas customer focus, quality, adherence to schedules, and reliable customer service. A construction manager we had commissioned, and our project developers evaluated these criteria. Our customers’ experiences with the craft enterprises are also included in the evaluation, as customer satisfaction is particular important to us”, Wohnbau CEO Carsten Schüler said.
The award in the form of a trowel and a donation is supposed to encourage craft enterprises to maintain or aim at high quality standards for the customers’ benefit.
“This year, we are particularly proud to honour some companies for the second, fourth, or even sixth time for their outstanding achievements and commitment. The company Dangel Metall GmbH is awarded the Trowel of Quality for the second time, Hagebaucentrum Bolay for the fourth time, and Leix Bodenbeläge GmbH already for the sixth time. The Trowel incentivises outstanding achievements, which help maintaining the high quality standards of Bietigheimer Wohnbau GmbH, and provide for customer satisfaction”, Carsten Schüler said.
The following companies have been awarded the “Trowel of Quality 2015“:
- Dangel Metallbau GmbH, metal engineering, Lenningen
- Hagebaucentrum Bolay, DIY store, Rutesheim
- Leix Bodenbeläge, floor coverings, Backnang
- E. Heiter, Aalen
- Glaswerkstätten Neumann, glass workshops, Sachsenheim
Published in regional press in July 2015
November 2014
Investment for the future
In order to meet our customers’ needs and desires even better, we have added a new bending machine to our production.
September 2014
Dangel-Metall News 2014
Dangel-Metall News 2014 (PDF 1,26 MB)
August 2014
The Quality Trowel Award 2014 from Bietigheim Housing
We were thrilled to be one of four companies chosen out of 100. It gives us incentive and motivation to know that we're on the right path and shows us that quality and service provided by competent, experienced employees comes out on top.
Juni 2014
Info film about Dangel-Metall
You can also watch this film on YouTube: Dangel-Metall info film
April 2014
Info film about plumber trainees
September 2013
Dangel-Metall News 2013
Dangel-Metall News 2013 (PDF 4,25 MB)
July 2013
Building Technology Made-to-Order
Building Technology Made-to-Order (PDF ca. 0,50 MB)
January 2013
The fountain should flow again
Dangel-Metall refurbishes the historical Oberlenningen market square fountain in cooperation with the volunteer team "Rat und Tat" from "Unser Netz".
Published in regional press "Der Teckbote" on 19. January 2013 (PDF ca. 0,49 MB)
December 2012
Anniversary: Dangel Lenningen and Würth Künzelsau celebrate 25 years as Würth official partner company
Dangel-Metall has successfully worked together with the Adolf Würth Company for nearly 35 years, 25 of those as a Würth official partner company. To commemorate this anniversary, a private get-together with Professor Dr. Reinhold Würth took place in Künzelsau. What an honor for us. We would also like to say “Thank You” for the trustworthy cooperation these past three decades and we look forward to additional mutual projects in the future. On photo from left to right: Gottlieb Dangel, Prof. Dr. Reinhold Würth, Frank Dangel.
October 2012
Dangel-Metall News 2012
Dangel-Metall News 2012 (PDF 3,30 MB)
February 2012
Our apprenticeship program – Fit for life after school
Dangel-Metall shares information about the occupation of a plumber at the apprenticeship fairs in Kirchheim/Teck and Lenningen.
"Fit for life after school" published in regional press "Der Teckbote" in February 2012 (PDF 0,24 MB)
ZVSHK plumber info film (FLV 22,90 MB)
March 2011
Gewerbegebiet Lenningen: Dangel-Metall – Solutions in and on buildings since 1969
Published in regional press "Der Teckbote" on 04.03.2011 (PDF 0,68 MB)
Beginning of 2011
Photo retrospect from the Dangel archive about the development of the industrial park in Lenningen, Oberer Sand
Dangel was the first company to begin its construction in the industrial park in the early ‘70s. The photos depict company founder Gottlieb Dangel on his bicycle before construction began. The "young lad" at the construction site is present-day company manager Frank Dangel.
October 2010
Dangel-Metall apprentice passes examination as #1 in chamber, #2 in state
At the examinations in summer 2010 our apprentice Christian Kugler (photo center) passed his plumber examination with first place results in his chamber and second place in the state. We congratulate him on his success! The photo shows the awards ceremony in October 2010 at the chamber of commerce in Stuttgart. Photo left: Rainer Reichhold, President of the chamber of commerce region Stuttgart. Photo right: Claus Munkwitz, Chief Executive of the chamber of commerce region Stuttgart.
February 2010
Successful in plumbing – today and tomorrow
Published in trade journal "Baumetall" in February 2010 (PDF 1,86 MB)
End of 2009
Lust auf Bad
A bathroom is more than just a room with WC, shower, sink and bathtub. Good bathrooms are places of refuge with high recreational value; they are sources of well-being and an expression of quality of life. In order to achieve all this, bathrooms must be meticulously planned and executed by professionals. Through our many customer consultations, we have learned how difficult the decisions can be. We’ve made it our task to ensure that your bathroom both performs and pleases for many years to come. That’s why extensive bathroom planning and comprehensive sampling is so important. The following examples should serve as an inspiration and illustrate how individual visions of life can be reflected in the bathrooms of their owners. Allow yourself to be inspired and contact us for an appointment to begin designing your personal bathroom.
Brochure "Bathroom bliss" (PDF 0,92 MB)
September 2009
Von wegen "altes Glomp"
Definitely not "old junk", published in regional press "Der Teckbote" on 30.09.2009 (PDF 1,2 MB)
September 2009
Vocational training at Dangel-Metall
Published in regional press "Der Teckbote" on 19.09.2009 (PDF 2,71 MB)
40 years Dangel-Metall
40 years Dangel-Metall (PDF 11,50 MB)
Dangel-Metall is a certified, trained company
Dangel-Metall is a qualified “Service Plus” company for seniors and disabled people.
Dangel-Metall – award winner of the European Architecture Award for metal roofs and facades 2008
For the following property we received the 2008 European Architecture Award for metal roofs and facades 2008.
Addition on the experimenting hall for conveyor technology University of Stuttgart. Construction of metal roof and shingles facade made from Tecu Oxid®.
Tecu Partner Certificate
Awarded by the copper rolling mill KM Europa Metal AG (KME) for a long-term business relationship. Together many technically challenging projects in plumbing work were realized. We are very pleased about this award and this certificate.